Sunday, June 29, 2008

Edible Sunshine

Two thoughts - both citrus related.

First - I love citrus, it is edible sunshine. however, getting at ti sometimes can be a bit of a pill. If you have fingernails or you don't for that matter - you are familiar with the tiresome and often frustrating act of peeling a citrus with your nails/no nails. It is absolutely fruit drudergy and the impatience you feel rising as you attempt to access the sweet flesh inside is often unbearable. Behold - the citrus thingy. Not sure where I got it..I think maybe ma put it in my stocking one year, but I am totally enamored of it. Only an inch or so of plastic, you run in downt he side of a citrus several tiems and it makes peeling fast and easy. God bless you cirtus thingy.

I found it online for $1.50 at Amazon - It's worth it:

Note my husband giving me a big orangey middle finger for making him be my hand model. Yes , he is very clever...

Second - while in France we had the combination of grapefruit and avocado. It was delightful. Who knew? So I attempted to recreate it the other day with a decent amount of success. Probalby because there is little involved with the combination. Here is it served with chicken burgers which were a nice light main with the avocado/grapefruit with it.

Avocado and Grapefruit Salad
(serves 2)
1 ruby red grapefruit
1 avocado
salt and pepper to taste
pinch of ginger

Slice grapefruit in about four circular slices.
Cut avocado in half and twist slightly to seperate. Gently remove the pit fromt he second half with a knife tip.
Mash avocado with a bit (about 1-2tb) grapefruit juice, pinch of ginger and salt and pepper to taste. The consistency should be thick and textured versus thin/puree.
Place a little avocado on plate, place a piece of grapefruit on top, add another dollop of avocado, another slice of grapefruit and one mor dollop...Volia! Sweet, rich, tangy, bright...lovely. Nice with grilled fish as well.

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