Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ruhlman in Atlanta tomorrow

Michael Ruhlman, author of lots of books including the new The Elements of Cooking, is coming to Atlanta tomorrow to do a demo at Viking. It's pricey (therefore I'm not going), but rumor has it that he may be making an impromptu appearance at the Borders near there to sign books around 4:30-5:30ish. I'll try to confirm tomorrow whether this is actually happening (as I've been harrassing him about it).

I got my copy of Elements yesterday, and it's an opinionated run-down of everything the home cook should know about the stuff that they teach people in culinary school: the Strunk and White's Elements of Style for cooks. I've read the first 15 pages or so, and I've already learned about things that I will definitely try in my kitchen, and I haven't even gotten to the encyclopedia bit. He's also funny and doesn't take himself too seriously, two qualities that I appreciate greatly in both writing and life. I'll post a review once I'm done reading it.

Ruhlman is also one of the judges for the Next Iron Chef America on the Food Network. I would know what that is if I watched television and had cable, but I figured that some of you might be less popular-culturally challenged than me.

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