Let me first do a shout out to my boy's dad who introduced me to the concept of "Square foot gardening." The general concept is very tidy small gardens with an emphasis on variety and vertical growth. It worked perfectly for me. And the way it is laid out makes it easier to tend. I have unhappy knees which can make it impossible to crouch for long periods of time. With this style garden I could "scoot scoot scoot" on rear end and tend to my green haired gal's frequently changing needs with ease.

I finish in the garden and go to repot one plant when "huzzah!" I spot red on black. I run inside breathless to get the boy "It's red! That's bad right!?!?" I am jumping up and down like a five year old. He goes

outside with me and mutters "I hate those @#$-ers. It's a black widow." Wow...I have never seen one in real life...it really is kinda bizarre, quite large, and that red spot! I've seen brown recluses but never black widows. Yikes. I let him kill it while I looked out the kitchen window at him. I have determined I have gardened out back enough for the day and move to the front to mow the lawn.
Of course, there I meet the Latter Day Saints, and they patiently wait for me to turn the mower off when I can I fill the bag no more. I smile and learn I can reach heaven if only I read this pamphlet. Not to make too much fun of course. They only mean well.
God bless nature and all of our religions!
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