Sunday, July 8, 2007

Fake Food and Avocado Soup

First a few product notes: Many folks these days try to eat healthy. I mentioned a while ago that we eat vegetarian every other day. I also tend to eat all my pre-dinner meals vegetarian; the boy does not. I am always trying to incorporate various veggie products into our meal explorations, so the other day we tried Morningstar's "Meal Starters" which were things that look like strips of chicken breast. I made "chicken" fajitas with them just like I would with real chicken, and the boy declared he would "Eat them again." This is a big win. Might I also note that Gimme Lean's "ground beef" is also a very good substitute, especially in tacos, spaghetti sauce and other highly seasoned traditional dinners. Morningstar's "chicken nuggets" are also pretty darn good if you cook them in the oven. A meat lovin' friend did not notice when I served them to him that they were not meat. (Quite frankly real mcnuggets are probably 75% soy anyway!)

Tonight's dinner was tasty and pretty simple. We had:
Chilled avocado soup with tomato and cheddar quesadillas and corn

Avocado Soup
1 avocado
1 cucumber, seeded and peeled, chopped
1 inch peeled ginger
1 clove garlic (a fatty)
1/4 lemon
1.5 c broth (veg or chicken) cooled
1/2 c chopped fresh cilantro
salt and pepper

Puree all of the above and chill in the fridge for an hour at least.

10 cherry tomatoes quartered
1 c shredded sharp cheddar
salt and pepper
2 whole wheat tortillas

Put tomatoes and cheese in tortilla, fold in half and grill on a foreman type grill for about 5 minutes, or in a saute pan. Either way, use nonstick spray on cooking surface.

Corn was just leftover from some corn of the cob we had.

On the jukebox: Traveling Wilburys, Suede, Concrete Blond, White Stripes

We are grateful for: the boy said he was grateful for me. I am grateful for white vinegar which I used to clean like everything in the house. Cheap and very effective. Whew the shine on our chrome!!! Plus, adds the boy, it smells like I am making hot wings all day long!

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