Saturday, May 26, 2007

Perfect Pesto

salad greens
I was washing my greens from the garden today and had put them out to dry on the "vegetable towel." (A towel forbidden to the men in my household to touch. It is reserved for food prep only) When I was overcome with how pretty my salad looked. I grabbed my camera and started snapping. Then I wondered where I would put these photos. So here I am. I'm not going to screw round. Just talk about what I am eating. How it makes me feel. My salad made me happy, so I wanted to share it. Then I finished the pesto I was making; it was perfect. I don't use a recipe, just kinda put things in the chopper/shredder and whirl away on a whim. Sometimes it is good; sometimes just okay. Tonight's was fairly pedestrian ingredient wise, but perfect in the balance of flavors.

Dinner for Dos
Main course
Perfect Pesto
Basil and Parsley from our garden
Parmesan Cheese
Pine Nuts
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper!
Bow Tie Pasta (They also make me happy)
A few Krinos oil cured olives
A smidge of leftover goats milk feta

Mesclun and Nasturium leaves and flowers from our garden

In our house we "pray" before each meal. The way we pray is we each share something we are grateful for that day. It help us remember that there is at least something not @#!-y in our lives everyday.

Sam gives it a thumbs up.Today we are grateful for: The lovely date we had last night: Pirates of the Carribbean and then a late dinner at Sweet Lowdown. We had lovely cocktails for a change versus wine, fried green tomatoes that were crispy and smeared with pimento cheese, a sweet and succulant double pork chop, soft shelled crab, the best sides I have had in a while: al dente collard greens and roasted fingerling potatoes, and closed down the house with the biggest cheese plate I have ever been served at a restaurant. Our lunch today was delightful because of it's size. The food here was delish, if the service was a bit bizarre...I asked about the foie gras the restaurant was known for, and our waiter said "What's foie gras!?!?" I had an urge to assume the "older woman who would lead this young fellow to his manhood" role by offering to take him out to get foie gras, but I was enjoying my cocktail so much, I let it go. Yep, it was a good date.

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